Herding, The Three Ring Circus

Herding -3 Rings to Master and you are the Ringmaster? If you have participated in other dog sports such as obedience or agility, you know that anyone can do it, but it takes hard work to become one of the very best.  Herding is a complex, very dynamic activity, that requires very hard work even […]


Are you “Muggable” in your dog’s eyes? Ever wonder why your herding instructor or clinician can walk in with your dog and make it look easy?  A couple of years ago I was teaching a clinic and a student asked “When did you reach the point where you walked into the pen and didn’t get […]

How a Little Pressure Goes a Long Way

Often we think we have to use a lot of pressure to force a close working breed out and away from the stock. If done incorrectly, it can cause sensitive, but talented dogs to quit, or even sometimes to bite. Our dogs response to pressure and subtle responses can be shaped very early on and […]

There are Many Different Breeds Which Herd

Many Breeds Herd Each developed for a special purpose Like recipes for soup there are as many as there are chefs who created them and the ingredients dependent upon local options, climate, availability and demand. Just as there are many different herding breeds who were developed and utilized in various parts around the world as […]

The Herding Log Book

The Herding Log Book Over the years I have found it very useful to record my training with my dog for a numbers of reasons.  Like anything you wish to get better at, knowing your strengths and weaknesses in the beginning is a genuine asset and an important part of establishing your training goals. Professional […]

Herding Concepts – Introduction

Herding concepts are general notions, or a plan, or intention to help explain what is happening or how things are intended to function.  Often the newbie herding person is baffled and mystified by some of the terms or concepts we hear discussed at clinics or during our lessons with instructors who are more experienced. By […]